Management Office Hours

  • Week 
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Week of 04/17/2023
  • 9 AM – 3 PM
  • 9 AM – 3 PM
  • 9 AM – 5 PM
  • 9 AM – 5 PM
  • 9 AM – 4 PM
  • Week of 04/24/2023
  • 9 AM – 3 PM
  • 9 AM – 3 PM
  • 9 AM – 5 PM
  • 9 AM – 5 PM
  • 9 AM – 4 PM

Social Events & Activities

Placeholder for event list for the next x weeks

Community Board News & Updates

IMPORTANT Homeowner Database: Yesterday, all Raffia Homeowners were mailed an Email Authorization/Contact Information Form to update our homeowner database in order to implement electronic voting, create a homeowner directory, and for registration on our new community website. All homeowners MUST complete and return this form, either by email ( or in person to our Office Manager, Jaletha Smoak. Make sure to sign your form and return it ASAP.

Roof and Driveway Pavers Cleaning: If you received a letter stating your roof and/or driveway pavers must be cleaned, please have it completed by April 30. Follow-up roof and/or paver inspections will be done in early May.

Please be Aware: A mother bear and her two cubs have been in the community the past few nights climbing the coconut trees. Please take precautions and be aware of your surroundings at night.

Tree Trimming: Lozano has begun trimming coconut and other palm trees. Please make sure to move your vehicle from your driveway to prevent damage to your car.

Reporting Problems: If you have or notice an irrigation, landscaping, or any other community problem, please report it to Jaletha at 239-353-2225. We don’t monitor Facebook postings.

Appeals Committee Meeting: April 18, 2023 at 6 PM sharp in the Clubhouse. Board of Directors Meeting: April 25, 2023 at 6 PM sharp in the Clubhouse.

ARC: Homeowners are requested to submit an ARC application with supporting documents if they are going to make any exterior changes or modifications to their home. If you are not sure, please call the office.

Irrigation: In the Naples area, we have had a very dry season. We are limited on how much water we can pump from the lakes. The irrigation system is working to its fullest capacity.

Social Committee: Thank you to Vaida Beers and her committee for the planning of our Easter Egg Hunt. It was a great success!

Weeds in Lawns: If you notice weeds in your lawns, please send an email to Jaletha at with your address. A work order will be produced.

Moving Trucks: Please notify the office if your moving company will be providing a large tractor trailer for your move. Inform your moving company to call 239-353-2225 to make arrangements for a representative of the HOA to guide the moving truck into Raffia through the exit gate.

Community Lighting: In addition to the repaired three street lights which were damaged by IAN, approximately half a dozen more street lights will need to be repaired. We are trying to identify street lights in the neighborhood that are malfunctioning. If you see a street light on during the day time or flickering any time, please notify the office.

Pool: Raccoons have been visiting the pool area. Please remember there is no food or beverage allowed on the pool deck with the exception of water. Also, please be thoughtful and remember to close your umbrella and replace moved chairs to their original position when leaving the pool area.